Laser Crown Lengthening

Benefits Include:

  • Minimal healing time.
  • Minimally invasive treatment.
  • Creates more tooth structure for the restoration to hold on to
  • Esthetically appealing
  • Easily complete in 2 visits

Laser Crown Lengthening is a very advanced way for lengthening the tooth or bone in specific dental situations. Some people unfortunately break their teeth at the gumline, leaving little or no tooth exposure for restoration. A simple and minimally invasive treatment to repair these cases is Laser Crown Lengthening.

Questions & Answers

What is Laser Crown Lengthening?
A: Laser Crown Lengthening is a very advanced way for lengthening the tooth or bone in specific dental situations. Some people unfortunately break their teeth at the gumline, leaving little or no tooth exposure for restoration. A simple and minimally invasive treatment to repair these cases is Laser Crown Lengthening.

How is this procedure completed?
A: This technique uses a soft tissue laser to precisely reshape the gum tissue around the area exposing more tooth structure for the new restoration to grip onto. In some cases, we also use the hard tissue to re-contour the bone. Most clients with this situation will have Laser Crown Lengthening in conjunction with a new Porcelain Crown, and this can all be done in one or two visits.

How long is the healing process?
A: With minimal healing time, and very low impact on the tissue, clients find this treatment very comfortable and easy to manage.